A People’s Guide to Greater Boston explores 150 sites across Greater Boston.
It is a region whose ruling classes have long seen as having importance far beyond its borders: e.g. as a biblical “City on a Hill”; “the Athens of America”; and a birthplace of revolutions–from that which spawned the United States to that of the Internet. Beginning with sites associated with indigenous people and later struggles against colonial conquest, the Guide introduces the reader to a decidedly different city. It reveals movements for peace, abolition, universal suffrage, as well as experiments with industrial organization and economic democracy, from the 18th century to the present. The Guide brings the reader to Boston’s many neighborhoods as well as to nearby municipalities – Concord, Lawrence, Salem, Quincy and others. In doing so, it unveils the workings of a city over a time and space illustrating how it has helped produce, and often contest, unjust power and inequality – nationally and globally.
Suren Moodliar
Suren Moodliar is the managing editor of Socialism and Democracy, and coordinator of encuentro5, a movement-building center in Downtown Boston.
Joseph Nevins
Joseph Nevins, a professor of geography at Vassar College, grew up in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood.
Eleni Macrakis
Eleni Macrakis is an urban planner and a life-long resident of the City of Cambridge.

Selected Sites
People’s Guide Website Begins Beta Testing
On Friday the People’s Guide Website will begin limited beta testing leading up to launch…
A People’s Guide Goes Live
After many years, the first version of A People’s Guide is visible to the public!…