On Friday the People’s Guide Website will begin limited beta testing leading up to launch within the year. Developers have worked out the kinks in the data models, authors have edited their posts, and it’s time for the public to begin clicking away to test the systems and workflows of this website. Dedicated to showing histories of peoples who negotiated power imbalance in specific places, this project will allow a wider array of input by different voices from different backgrounds. Featuring the current and completed guide books, previews of maps and articles are posted along with author bio information. Besides the book projects there will be web-only guides, resources for teaching, and a news section.
A People’s Guide Goes Live
After many years, the first version of A People’s Guide is visible to the public!
There is much more to come, but please start exploring the under-told stories of Los Angeles, Boston, The San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, New Orleans, Orange County, Richmond and Portland. Author-teams from around the country have shared some of their best examples from already existing guides and guides that will be coming soon. We’ve started sharing resources that go along with the guides — from study guides to some of our other favorite related projects. Like all labors of love, this is an endless work in progress. If you see something that doesn’t seem to work quite right or could be clearer, please let us know. In the meantime, welcome to a People’s Guide! We hope it inspires to explore the spaces around you with a critical and curious eye. Stay tuned for much more very soon.